Ladies Acting Up

The ladies of The Woodland Players bring you three one-act plays in an evening of comedy and drama. From a dysfunctional slimming club to a relationship turned sour to a worn-out radio show, there’s something for everyone.

Slim Chance

Written by

Peter Gordon

Directed by

Tony Winstone

Arranged by


Jean, the branch organiser of a slimming club, is frustrated by the late arrival of her charges. Even when the motley collection of members have all arrived, it is clear that the slimming aspect of their weekly meetings is the last thing on their minds! The arrival of a new member, together with Jean’s revelation of grim news from the club’s head office, eventually forces them all to re-evaluate their reasons for trying to slim in the first place. Although their resolve is hardly strengthened, they are forced to dream up a scheme that will fulfil everyone’s wishes whilst leaving honour intact.


Laura Hesketh

Becky Shortman

Tasha Markham

Jenny Newbolt

Liz James

Sharon Wood

Josie Reed

Emma Smith

With All My Love, I Hate You

Written by

Lynda Marchal

Directed by

Geoff Iles

Arranged by




Karen Sheppard

Sharon Wood

Receptionist (voice)
Abbie Stone

Jerry (voice)
Tom Stone

Hurrah For Mrs Hickson!

Written by

Roy Plomley

Directed by

Geoff Iles

Arranged by


The daily radio show ‘The Mrs Hickson Story’ has aired for many many years, and as much as the stars would like to keep it going, signs are beginning to show of its conclusion. Amid rumors and gossip on how long the show has left to run and what the replacment will be; it’s not until an outsider to the series shares their thoughts on the show that the esteemed actresses realise that the end is a lot closer than they’d like to believe.


Emma Smith

Ethel Bunn
Josie Reed

Hester Meriel-Quorn
Liz James

Cora Corner
Karen Limmer

Jill Miller
Becky Shortman

“Ladies Acting Up” Production Team

Lighting design and operation
Tom Stone

Sound design and operation
Tom Stone

Jenny Newbolt

Sharon Wood

Box Office
Josie Reed

Front of House
Anna Johnstone
Laura Sibley
Jasmine Sibley
Rhys Johnstone
Ben Johnstone

Jenny Fitzgerard
Jessica Reed

Promotion & Advertising
Karen Sheppard
Tom Stone